B2C Marketing Automation Report: INDIA, 2017 – Snapshot

B2C Marketing Automation Report: INDIA, 2017 - Snapshot

Marketing Automation is one of the most discussed topics in the marketing circles. There is no doubt marketing automation can help organizations to efficiently scale up their sales & marketing efforts. With

B2C Marketing Automation Report, INDIA, 2017 – Pre-release

Before we started on the journey of creating this report, we went through resources which were available on MarTech (India) and realised that more focus is given on broader topics like digital marketing. During our discussions with industry associations, experts …

How Marketing Automation evolved in India?

How Marketing Automation evolved in India?

Santosh Abraham, Founder and Lead Analyst, Research NXT had a very insightful conversation with Kalpit Jain, CEO, Netcore.  In this interview, Kalpit shared how his normal day at work pans out. He explained how

How to adopt and use different MarTech tools in tandem?

How to adopt and use different MarTech tools in tandem?

HDFC Life, one of India’s leading private life insurance companies, offers a range of individual and group insurance solutions.  Santosh Abraham, Founder & Lead Analyst at Research NXT got talking

From Smart Analytics to Smart Basket, MarTech at Bigbasket

From Smart Analytics to Smart Basket, MarTech at Bigbasket

In this discussion with Santosh Abraham, Lead Analyst at Research NXT, Meera clarifies how BigBasket is a more of a retail company that happens to be online, than an e-commerce website.

NASSCOM MarTECH 2016 Moments With ResearchNXT

NASSCOM MarTECH 2016 Moments With ResearchNXT

The MarTECH (Marketing Technology) Confluence 2015 organized by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM – @NasscomEvents) had predicted that by 2016 nearly 50 percent of world’s population will be