Evolution of Content Marketing in India

Marketing has been using content throughout the entirety of its history in order to drive customer attention to their campaigns and their related elements. However, the fact that the product or service for which the advertising is usually done prioritizes the former to get the point across about why the consumer should buy the same was the norm for quite some time. In the world of today, this focus has shifted greatly; digital marketing is now customer focused, and the product or service acquires a secondary form of importance in the content itself. This is certainly the most obvious part of the evolution in content marketing. But, it doesn’t stop there; as this niche is expanding, as well as constantly shifting across such areas as website content, micro-content etc. To get a better picture, you should look forward to some ten years before where the present state of content marketing actually came forth.


During the tail end of the 2000s, it was quite evident that social media was going to be the ‘next big thing’ for the world. What it meant for the marketing industry was a subtle shift of consumer power for the audiences, as they got opportunities to interact with one another in sharing information about a brand, product or service. The shift of the overlying content marketing business model was needed through which this recognition of power for consumers was essential, and the need to tailor marketing content with the changing times also started to take shape.


When the effects of social media first became apparent, many of the companies tried to create their own online versions of social media platforms. This was done to capitalize off a nascent software technology, which had unprecedented potential. However, different instances of failure in readymade supply of social media platforms made the scenario quite clear- people were only going to use a few social media brands, and others need to capitalize upon such platforms’ immense pool of audience. Inbound marketing content strategy became the focus of transferring the attention of consumers to their own product, which utilized essential tools upon social media to produce maximum effect.