Content Marketing Done Right: Trends and Best Practices Report

Content marketing continues to have a very impactful influence on the decision to purchase a company’s product or services. Marketers are increasingly using content marketing tactics, along with technology, to better engage with their buyers to educate, update, and guide

State of Consumer Engagement Report, GCC 2019

New-age consumers are evolving from being informed and aware buyers to being designers and creators of their user journeys. This massive shift is underway owing to consumers’ access to sophisticated digital technologies and on-demand data on products, services, brands, markets,

ABM Best Practices Report: India, 2018

In this report, we identified what you need to know to make the most of ABM efforts, and where you can find further opportunities for competitive advantage.

This research was conducted over two months during which we connected with more

B2C Marketing Automation Report: INDIA, 2017

A report that tracked the Implementation & Adoption of B2C Marketing Automation in India

This report aims to understand the adoption of MAS [Marketing Automation Solution] in Indian B2C organizations and identify the most commonly used features, drivers and restraints.

Corporate Gifting Trends Report: India, 2019

The gifting industry in India has registered a strong growth over the past decade thanks to consumer’s rising income levels and ambitions. Of the overall Industry, corporate sector enjoys the lion’s share.

It is of utmost importance for an organization

eTutoring Best Practices Whitepaper 2016

One of the fastest-growing eLearning industry, yet shrinking in terms of the number of companies! “The number of E-Tutoring companies has gone down from 450 plus companies in 2010 to less than 250 companies in 2015”

CEOs, COOs, Strategy &